The most up-to-date Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email List

Chest and Cardiac Surgery is a subspecialty of medicine that includes cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and congenital cardiac surgeons, among others. Chest and cardiac surgeons are medical professionals who diagnose and perform surgery to treat disorders of the lungs, heart, and other thoracic organs.
Insightful, dependable, and responsive Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email Addresses . With our database, you’ll be able to contact the industry’s top decision-makers all around the world.
Cardiac Surgery Specialist Mailing List not only gives important email data, but also helps you develop your business by providing contact information such as mailing addresses, phone numbers, and social profile information.
Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Opt-in Contacts – 30,103
Customize Your List Now
Customize Your List Now

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Customize your database with data segmentation
  • Industry
  • Job titles
  • Employee size
  • Revenue size
  • SIC code
  • NAICS code
  • Firmographics
  • Technographics
  • Geographics
  • City/State
  • Zipcode
  • Country
Use Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email Database for:

Multichannel campaigns


Cold calling/ Telemarketing


Drip campaigns


Email campaigns


ABM Marketing


Direct Mailing

Get samples of our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Mailing Database

We provide free samples of our ready-to-use Database Of Surgery Specialists . We offer a segmented list of companies based on your preferred criteria.

*Note – Our data is verified every 45 days, which is also validated before every delivery. Once downloaded, we guarantee 85% deliverability on email campaigns and 95% deliverability on others for 90 days.

Greg Hirsch
Alabama, United States
Direct Email Contact h***
Phone (216) *** ****
Company Name Nova Scotia Health Authority 
Job Level Head Cardiac Surgeon
Country United States
State Alabama
City Birmingham
Zip Code 35022

Discover new leads with Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Contact Details

Using our highly focused Chest and Heart Surgeons Email Database , you will improve your revenue, 4X faster. Start with our Database of Chest and Heart Surgeons to improve brand recognition, increase sales, and build alliances.
Details provided in our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Sales Leads list
  • Full-name
    Full name
  • Business-email
    Business email id
  • Phone
    Phone number
  • Website-URL
    Website URL
  • Job-title
    Job title
    SIC, NAICS, and OCC codes
  • Type-of-practices
    Type of practice
  • Certifications
    Certifications & License number
  • Geographics
  • Medical-institutions
    Medical institution/ Hospital/ Clinic name
  • Fax
    Fax number
  • Social-media-handles
    Social media handles
  • Sub-specialty

Close better deals with our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Contact List

Contact Information for Chest and Heart Surgeons is gathered by our data scientists from Various government and public sources, both registered and unregistered. The data is verified using a 7-tier process that includes AI, manual quality checks, and an opt-in process.
Our sources are
  • Directories
  • Panel-discussions
    Panel discussions
  • Magazines-journals-and-publications
    Magazines, journals, and publications
  • Website-URL
  • Job-title
    Government records
    Business directories
  • Trade-shows
    Trade shows
  • Records
  • Seminars-and-conferences
    Seminars and conferences
  • Business-cards
    Business cards
  • Opt-in-email-campaigns
    Opt-in email campaigns
  • Surveys-and-feedback-forms
    Surveys and feedback forms

Skyrocket your profits with our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email Addresses!

Expand your network with our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email Data

Using our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Marketing Data , can improve your customer conversion rate and level up your revenue. Please contact one of our company representatives to get real-time updates on our email information.

Top-selling Surgeons Mailing Lists

  • Cardiovascular Surgeon Email List
  • Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Email List
  • Chief Of Neurosurgery Email List
  • Colorectal Surgeons Email list
  • Dental Surgeons Email list
  • Hand Surgeon Email List
  • Neurological Surgeon Email List
  • Obstetrician Email List
  • Oral Surgeons Email List
  • Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeons Email List
  • Orthopedic Surgeons Email List
  • Oral Surgeons Email List
  • Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeons Email List
  • Orthopedic Surgeons Email List
  • Pediatric Surgeons Email List
  • Plastic Surgeons Email List
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialists Email List
  • Podiatric Surgeons Email List
  • Surgeons Email List
  • Thoracic Surgeons Email List
  • Urological Surgeons Email List
  • Vitreoretinal Surgeons Email List

Other Healthcare Mailing Database

Guaranteed benefits of Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Address Database


85% email deliverability and 95%accuracy on other data fields

Data accuracy is vital, and we employ every approach to keep our database fresh and updated. Our Patented AI and Machine learning tools assist our multi-step QC process to avoid anomalies in terms of consistency or data precision. Data like email contacts, physical addresses, and phone numbers tend to change over time. Maintaining 100% accuracy is unfeasible. Hence, we guarantee 85% email deliverability and 95% accuracy on data points.


100% replacement in case of hard bounces

Every data point is meticulously verified and then re-verified to ensure you get the best. Data accuracy is paramount in successfully penetrating a new market or working within a familiar one. We are committed to precision. However, in an unlikely event where hard bounces or inaccuracies exceed the guaranteed percentage, we offer a replacement with an immediate effect. If need be, we even offer credits and/or refunds for inaccurate contacts.


Other promised benefits

  • Contacts are for the perpetual usage
  • The database comprises consent-based opt-in contacts only
  • The list is free of duplicate contacts and generic emails
  • Round-the-clock customer service assistance 360-degree database solutions

Avail of a customized email list made for you!

Exceptional features of our Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Mailing List

Our database is been segmented into different brackets like geography, firmographics, buyer-psychology, industry sector, revenue size, job titles, and more to provide refined analysis and enhance the data for maximum performance.
We customize each request we receive for our email database as per the brand’s needs and requirements. Our post-sales customer service involves inputs from business experts for the best performance.
The data collected undergoes a 7-tier manual and AI verification, validation, and opt-in process for accuracy and authenticity. We add the verified and opt-in contacts to the master database only after receiving consent.
We only enlist the contacts who have opted to share their details and receive promotional messages. This encourages less spam and increases your website’s DA.
Our entire data strictly complies with international and local data laws, such as the GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and ANTI CAN-SPAM. The safety and privacy of personal data are our priorities.
We personalize our mailing data to network with your ideal buyer and guarantee the maximum application of marketing resources for the highest benefits.
We ensure that our data is easy to use and further a pain-free process for our customers. It can be integrated into any CRM or cloud-based software without the involvement of a third-party tool. It secures data and facilitates single platform access.
We aim to provide a steady and seamless sales experience, also, we direct our clients in planning profitable campaigns through our round-the-clock post-sale service.

Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Mailing List expands audience outreach

Looking for an email list of professionals in the field of chest and heart surgery from all over the world who might be interested in your products or services?


Our list of chest and heart surgeons will assist you in generating many high-quality leads, customized as per your specific needs. The best aspect is that we can integrate the database with your CRM system with ease.

Our opt-in contact database VS lists by other data providers

Regular email lists

Our opt-in email lists

How is Chest and Cardiac Surgeons Data delivered?

The database is delivered within 3-5 business days in .xls or .csv formats and can be easily integrated into any CRM or cloud-based tool.

Our Data is Backed up with the Faith of 5,000+ Clients!

Look into what they have to say about us
Rachel Lemieux

Rachel Lemieux

Manager, Demand Generation
Advice Media

A Wise Decision To Invest In DataCaptive
Leif Magnuson

Leif Magnuson

CEO & Founder

Continue Running Drip Campaigns With Their Lists

Top Rated Sales Intelligence Powered with Data Insights

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