45,203 +
Number of Sage 50 Users
Email Mail Phone
Still searching for a reliable database to promote your software and services similar to Sage 50? DataCaptive‘s Sage 50 users email list is the perfect solution to this search.
Get well-researched and economic campaign-ready details like phone numbers and email addresses of decision-makers in the industry.
Every industry has unique accounting and invoicing requirements. Reach out to professionals with a List of companies using Sage 50 who need integrated software. Market your product that combines business functionalities, viz sales, marketing, finance, and customer service, all in one place.
Marketers promoting businesses like Sage can avail of the Sage 50 users list. Conversions are more straightforward and smoother when aligned with this dataset's relevant and accurate contacts.
Roll out powerful campaigns like email, direct, phone marketing, and more with an email list of Sage 50 users. Market to customers of Sage People, Sage Payments, Sage Impact software, Sage HRMS, Sage Payroll, and more.
Top Industries That Use Sage 50
The industry-wise break-up shows information technology & services (15%) and construction (14%) as the leading ones, followed by accounting which is 12%.
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Top Countries that use Sage 50
Sage 50 customers by country classification state 45% of them are in the United States. The United Kingdom, with a 35% share, is in the second lead, followed by 9% from Canada.
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Distribution of Companies Using Sage 50 on Company Size (Employees)
Of the customers using Sage 50, 82% are from small-sized companies with less than 100 employees. 16% of them are from medium-sized having more than 100 employees. The large-sized organizations having more than 1,000 employees account for 2%.
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Distribution of Companies Using Sage 50 on Company Size (Revenue)
Sage 50 customers are majorly from small-sized organizations (<$50M), accounting for 70%. It is followed by large-sized companies (>$1,000M), which is 11% and 6% from medium-sized companies.
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Rachel Lemieux
Manager, Demand Generation
Advice Media
Leif Magnuson
CEO & Founder
Get balanced campaign outputs with Sage 50 customers database in which data-privacy regulations as we follow compliance regulations in letter and spirit. It adheres to national and international data laws like GDPR, CAN-SPAM, ANTI-SPAM, and more.
With freshly audited data, send promotional updates to the right audience and lead multichannel campaigns without getting trapped in clients’ spam folders.
As a database provider, we are responsible for ensuring that the end goals are adequately achieved with our data. Get tailor-made listings of companies that use Sage 50 depending on company size, asset size, geographic location, technology, and more.
The email list of Sage 50 users enhances brand visibility by taking it to unexplored corners of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and more. Introduce new business offerings in educational organizations, ecommerce giants, manufacturing houses, construction companies, and more to create new revenue channels.
Other Accounting Software Users Data We Provide
Sage 50
USA & 170+
We compile the validated details of companies using Sage 50 in .csv or .xls format. After checking it thoroughly for technical glitches, we mail it within 3–5 business days to your registered email address after the order confirmation.
Integrate it into your favorite CRM or cloud-based tool.
The number of companies that use Sage 50 has crossed the mark of 50,000+. Contact us to get the best database and reach out to industry-wide decision-makers. These leaders have the optimum budget to spend on upgrading their technology stack.
This list of companies with companies currently using Sage 50 is long. Some of them are Armand Corporation (NewYork), SouthEast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative (Hattiesburg), Technoform (Ohio), and more. Start today and get the most updated database fulfilling your business demands from DataCaptive.
Big companies that use Sage 50 include Brambles, Croda International plc, Gas and Chemicals Organization, Municipal Group of Companies, Age, and many others.
The CRM customers list is created using trustworthy sources, both online and offline. Our data sources include subscriber lists, business websites, meetings, international expos, e-magazines, webinars, public data, and business directories.