Email Mail Phone
Contact the CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, and other C-level executives of companies using the contact information on this list of Zoho CRM users.
A perfect blend of database that improves sales, enhance promotional efforts, and justifies your marketing budget.
Our dataset puts you in direct contact with Zoho CRM users. You can use this dataset to create targeted marketing campaigns that convince prospects to convert into recurring customers.
Our email lists can be used by companies looking to get in touch with Zoho CRM users. Creators of software similar to Zoho CRM, system integrators, value-added resellers, and many more can use our email lists to market thier products.
Based on industry, Zoho CRM clients majorly comprise information technology & services (11%), computer software (7%), and marketing and advertising (5%).Â
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37% of Zoho CRM users are based in the USA, followed by the UK (9%) and Canada 9%.Â
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The majority (70%) of the users of Zoho CRM are small businesses (50 workers), followed by 6% of large companies (>1,000 employees) and 24% of medium-sized companies.Â
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Most of the users of Zoho CRM are small businesses (78%), followed by large businesses (12%) and medium-sized businesses (6%).Â
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Rachel Lemieux
Manager, Demand Generation
Advice Media
Leif Magnuson
CEO & Founder
We offer 85% deliverability to ensure that your emails reach your target audience on time, and our data is 95% accurate, which will help you achieve the right audience.Â
Every 45 days, we update our complete opt-in contact information. To maintain quality, we ensure no duplicates or old contacts among the Zoho CRM clients database users.Â
With our Zoho CRM marketing list, you can improve conversion rates and boost sales for your company. Don’t hesitate to contact one of our business representatives to learn about the most recent changes to our email address.Â
Zoho CRM
USA & 170+
Job Titles
Job Function
Organization Size
Revenue Size
SIC Codes
And More!
Government Records
Surveys & Feedback Forms
Online Seminars & Conferences
Opt-in Email Campaigns
Scientific Journals & Publications
Webinars & Podcasts
Trade Shows
We send users contact information for Zoho CRM users’ contact details in .xls or .csv format to the registered email address in 3–5 business days. To start marketing immediately, download the list and upload it to any cloud-based platform or CRM!
We do, indeed. The GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and ANTI-SPAM are a few examples of the local and international data rules that all our data comply with. Your data’s security and privacy are our top priorities. Â
Customize your list using geography and zip filters if you seek to connect with a particular audience segment from any location. Â
Using our geo-segmented Zoho CRM mailing addresses, you may find your target customers with 98M+ organizations in 170+ countries. A tailored database also aids in creating locally relevant, highly effective marketing efforts.Â